A Place for Owners, Directors & Executive Meeting, Networking and Collaboration.
Buat halaman komunitas Anda sendiri di SynergyHub
Buat & kelola event tanpa batas dan gratis
Kelola komunitas dengan dashboard interaktif
Daftar gratis dan nikmati mudahnya mengelola member komunitas dan manajemen acara Anda, mulai dari pendaftaran acara, QR tiket (gratis dan berbayar), scan kehadiran hari H, blast reminder, dan banyak fitur menarik lainnya!
Engage in enlightening conferences, insightful seminars, and vibrant events. Connect with industry leaders, build valuable connections, and gain knowledge that fuels success
Aturan RSVP [Kuota Terbatas]
1. Pilih tombol RSVP yang sesuai dengan kategori profil Anda: Developer Properti / Kontraktor-Supplier / Planning-Design Consultant / Hotel-Resto-Cafe / Others-IT-Bank-etc2. Pendaftaran akan melalui proses seleksi/persetujuan. Prioritas persetujuan akan diberikan kepada pendaftar yang mengisi RSVP dengan kategori profil yang tepat3. Jika pendaftaran RSVP tidak sesuai dengan kategori profil Anda (contoh: Arsitek mendaftar di link Developer), maka biaya pendaftaran Anda akan kami refund setelah dipotong biaya administrasi
I am delighted to be part of this community. This outstanding platform facilitates us to connect with industry professionals. The events are always informative and up-to-date, helping us to expand our network and gain valuable insights. Exciting times ahead!
As I deeply involved in building and managing this community platform and ticketing system, I'm excited to see how it simplifies connecting people and organizing events. It's a user-friendly tool that makes community engagement and event planning more organized. Connect, Learn, Succeed - Join Us!
As Synergyhub.id Co-founder, I am proud to witness the significant impact we've made in fostering connections and enhancing digital relationships. Our platform has not only streamlined event management, but has also played a pivotal role in building a thriving community. Let's Connect!
Synergy Business Networking, diselenggarakan pada 8 Desember 2023 di Ritz Carlton Jakarta
SynergyHub.id, ruang di mana pemilik bisnis, direktur perusahaan, dan kreator dapat berkumpul untuk membuat, berbagi, dan merayakan ide-ide inovatif.
SynergyHub.id, sebuah platform inovatif yang menyediakan wadah bagi para Business Owners dan Directors untuk berkolaborasi dan berbagi wawasan.